The QM&RBC Job Market
The job matching process for academic positions in Economics is becoming
more and more arduous. To help, I suggest one more information source,
limited to macroeconomics. Both supply and demand are listed here. If a
link has disappeared, you may assume the opportunity is gone... The most recent entries are
listed first.
Keep this page in your bookmarks for handy future reference.
General resources
- Job
Openings for Economists, from the American Economic Association, but
also covering non US positions.
- EconJobMarket.org. New initiative where candidates can upload their packets and can have their references letters uploaded as well.
- UK Job Openings
for Economists
- Inomics Job
(formerly E-JOE, European Job Openings for Economists)
- Job Market for Economists sponsored by the European Economic Association.
- Academe
This Week (listing for Economics).
- Times
Higher Education Supplement, Interview jobs database, listing for
Economics, mainly in the UK.
- Monster Board, type
a keyword like "economics"
- Campus Review
International Academic Job Market, listing for economics, mostly
Australia and New Zealand
- JobWeb, searching for
"economist" should yield several US Federal Government jobs (sponsored by
the National Association of Colleges and Employers)
- Academic
Positions in Sciences, listing for Economics, Commerce and Business
- FedWorld has
a listing of US Federal openings. Search for "economist" or "economics".
- UK academic jobs, browse under
"Social, economic and political studies"
- Canadian Economics Employment
Exchange 1999 (CEEE)
- Economics
Research Network's Job Openings
- American Agricultural
Economics Association Employment Service
- Academic Jobs in the UK
- You may also want to
have a look at the home pages of various economics institutions. EDIRC is a
central listing of them. And tell me when you find something!
- Job
Market Packet by Mike Conlin and Stacy Dickert (University of Wisconsin)
Labor Demand
Links to department job opening pages have been dropped. Please look at general links above.
Labor Supply
Contact information
© Copyright 1995-2007 Christian Zimmermann
All rights reserved
URL: dge.repec.org/jobs.html
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