Function "robs" for stochastic difference equation. Usage: robs(theta1, theta2, seed) This is useful when you want to compare simulation results across different values of thetas. Outcome: Six charts. Blue lines are associated with theta1; red, theta2. The file "robusts.m" must be present in the same directory. Function "robusts" Usage: robusts(theta, seed) This is useful when you try to measure the difference between "A" and "A hat". Outcome: A matrix "y", whose columns represent, from 1st to 6th, consumption, labor, tax, gov expenditure, interest rate, and gov debt. Function "robm" for Markov chain. Usage: robm(theta1, theta2, seed) This is useful when you want to compare simulation results across different values of thetas. Outcome: Six charts. Blue lines are associated with theta1; red, theta2. The file "robustm.m" must be present in the same directory. Function "robustm" Usage: robustm(theta, seed) This is useful when you try to measure the difference between "P" and "Pw". Outcome: A matrix "y", whose columns represent, from 1st to 6th, consumption, labor, tax, gov expenditure, interest rate, and gov debt.