parameter (nx=7, nq=5) implicit double precision (a-g,o-z) double precision f(nx), df(nx,nx), work(nx), c xa(nx), ax(nq,(nx+1)/2), wx(nq,(nx+1)/2),c0(nx), c1(nx) integer iwork(nx), nxp((nx+1)/2), ibc(nx) c na = nx nxm1 = nx-1 ne = (nx+1)/2-1 nbc = 1 c c Open input and output files. c open(unit=8, file='junk.dat') c c Read in parameters, grid, boundary conditions, and if specified, c the initial guess for consumption. c xa(1) = 0.0d0 xa(2) = 0.5d0 xa(3) = 1.0d0 xa(4) = 1.5d0 xa(5) = 3.0d0 xa(6) = 4.5d0 xa(7) = 6.0d0 c0(1) = 1.0 c0(2) = 0.6065 c0(3) = 0.3679 c0(4) = 0.2231 c0(5) = 0.0498 c0(6) = 0.0111 c0(7) = 0.0025 ibc(1) = 1 ibc(2) = 0 ibc(3) = 0 ibc(4) = 0 ibc(5) = 0 ibc(6) = 0 ibc(7) = 0 do 80 i=1,ne nxp(i) = 3 80 continue crit = 0.0000001d0 maxit = 20 c c Compute quadrature abscissas and weights. c do 110 i=1,ne call qgausl (nxp(i), xa(2*i-1), xa(2*i+1), ax(1,i), wx(1,i)) 110 continue c c The Newton-Raphson iteration, i.e., find x such that f(x)=0 where c x are coefficients of the finite element approximation. c do 130 it=1,maxit c c Initialize f and its derivative df. c do 140 i=1,na f(i) = 0.d0 do 140 j=1,na df(i,j) = 0.d0 140 continue c c Construct f(c0) = int R(x,j;c0) N_n(x) dx and its derivative on c each element n. c do 160 n=1,ne c c Element n is the interval [xa(n),xa(n+1)] c x1 = xa(2*n-1) dx = xa(2*n+1)-x1 a = (xa(2*n)-x1)/dx a1 = 1.d0-a c c Compute f at all quadrature points on the element. c do 170 i=1,nxp(n) x = ax(i,n) u = wx(i,n) xi = (x-x1)/dx bs1 = (1.d0-xi)*(1.d0-xi/a) bs2 = xi/(a*a1)*(1.d0-xi) bs3 = -a*xi/a1*(1.d0-xi/a) dxi = 1.d0/dx dbs1 = (-a-1.d0+2.d0*xi)*dxi/a dbs2 = (1.d0-2.d0*xi)*dxi/a/a1 dbs3 = (-a+2.d0*xi)*dxi/a1 c c Compute function and residual using finite element approximation. c c = c0(2*n-1)*bs1 +c0(2*n)*bs2 +c0(2*n+1)*bs3 dc = c0(2*n-1)*dbs1+c0(2*n)*dbs2+c0(2*n+1)*dbs3 res = c+dc c c Add the residual x quadrature weights x shape functions to f(.). c f(2*n-1) = f(2*n-1) + res*bs1*u f(2*n) = f(2*n) + res*bs2*u f(2*n+1) = f(2*n+1) + res*bs3*u c c Add derivative of the residual x quadrature weights x shape c functions to df(.). c df(2*n-1,2*n-1) = df(2*n-1,2*n-1) + bs1*(bs1+dbs1)*u df(2*n-1,2*n) = df(2*n-1,2*n) + bs1*(bs2+dbs2)*u df(2*n-1,2*n+1) = df(2*n-1,2*n+1) + bs1*(bs3+dbs3)*u df(2*n,2*n-1) = df(2*n,2*n-1) + bs2*(bs1+dbs1)*u df(2*n,2*n) = df(2*n,2*n) + bs2*(bs2+dbs2)*u df(2*n,2*n+1) = df(2*n,2*n+1) + bs2*(bs3+dbs3)*u df(2*n+1,2*n-1) = df(2*n+1,2*n-1) + bs3*(bs1+dbs1)*u df(2*n+1,2*n) = df(2*n+1,2*n) + bs3*(bs2+dbs2)*u df(2*n+1,2*n+1) = df(2*n+1,2*n+1) + bs3*(bs3+dbs3)*u 170 continue 160 continue c c Invert the derivative of f (i.e., df). c ii=0 do 230 i=1,na if (ibc(i).eq.0) then ii = ii+1 f(ii) = f(i) do 240 j=1,na df(ii,j) = df(i,j) 240 continue do 250 j=1,na df(j,ii) = df(j,i) 250 continue endif 230 continue call dgesv(na-nbc,1,df,na,iwork,f,na,info) c c Issue warnings if necessary. c if ( write(*,*) 'WARNING: illegal value for', c ' argument ',-info,' in DGESV' if ( write(*,*) 'WARNING: singular matrix', c ' when solving df*x=f in SGM1DL' c c Do Newton update. c sum1 = 0.d0 ii = 0 do 260 i=1,nx if (ibc(i).eq.0) then ii = ii+1 c1(i) = c0(i) - f(ii) sum1 = sum1 + f(ii)*f(ii) else c1(i) = c0(i) endif 260 continue sum1 = dsqrt(sum1)/float(na-nbc) c c Check to see if the solution is converged. If so, stop. c if ( go to 999 do 270 i=1,nx c0(i) = c1(i) 270 continue 130 continue 999 continue do 320 i=1,nx write(8,1) xa(i), c1(i) 320 continue c c Format statements. c 1 format (9X,F8.3,1X,F8.6) stop end